Unforgettable Experiences

Experience Maine fur trapping. Take yourself back to a different time, a simpler time. Fur trade played a huge role in the founding of our nation, infact we wouldn't be where we are today without it. This trip can be tailored to your likings, we trap for all of Maines furbearers, timing of your trip will dictate what we target. Remote trips are available inside a 12x14 canvas wall tent heated by wood to give you that real Maine trapline feel. An experience unlike any other! Take home as many of the furs as you desire, we can keep and freeze them whole for taxidermy purposes.

Come along for nonstop Maine beaver trapping, where catches of 20+ beaver a day are not uncommon. We will set, catch, skin, flesh and board several beaver on this trip. We will "road line" style trap, setting dozens of traps for "beaver run". 3 and 7 day trips available of highly active trapping. These trips are available late March to early April.

One of Maine's most abundant furbearers, we will chase muskrats mostly by canoe. Setting upwards of 200 or more traps on proven muskrat grounds. Get ready to catch, skin, flesh and board many muskrats every day! Take home as many of the furs as you desire.​